Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Does the time determine booty call or a genuine date?

There is something cathartic about blogging.  I've tried writing blogs before but it never stuck, I guess it's the topic of this blog that makes it so freeing.  I'm (hopefully) anonymous, yet all the details of my (love) life are on display.  It forces me to be more honest with myself than I think I've ever been.

So as if by magic the day after "Mr. No Relationship" and I had 'the-talk' guess who texts me! Yes the old friend :).  Well it was late-ish, around 10pm and I should not have indulged, but wanting to feel wanted and sexy I go along.  Here's a transcript...

OF (Old Friend) -
Hey long time...whatya doin?

Me -
Just leaving a friend's house, going home...nada. U?

OF -

OF -
Wanna go for a drink?

ME (Simultaneously) -
Wanna do something?

OF -
Pick you up in a bit

And like that I'm back in the game baby!

Oh I also opened that Match account - why waste time?  I really don't think it's my thing, with all these people 'winking' and emailing and viewing your profile.  But I said I'll give it a go and I must admit to having winked at few prospects, ha.

More about the date with OF next post...

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